Michael Rinehart is Bishop of the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a community of over a hundred congregations, campus ministries, retreat centers, and other agencies. Sign up to receive the links to the texts and some thoughts on the lectionary readings or subscribe to his podcast.*Also available in Spanish.
Joan Chittister is a member of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie, PA. She is executive director of Benetvision, a resource and research center for contemporary spirituality. Once a week Sister Joan will email you her free newsletter Vision & Viewpoint. It contains a brief but powerful teaching, Also included is Soul Points-- short bios of "contemporary saints" whose lives inspire our own, and a weekly poem to stretch your soul.

Henri Nouwen was born in The Netherlands and served as a Catholic priest in the U.S.A., Peru, France and in Canada as part of L’Arche serving people with developmental disabilities. Drawn from Nouwen’s writings, these free short daily meditations will inspire your mind and heart. Each reflection takes less than a minute to read and it will set the tone for your day.
Richard Rohr is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province. He is the founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation. An author and spiritual leader, Fr. Richard teaches primarily on incarnational mysticism, non-dual consciousness, and contemplation. Rohr’s Daily Meditations are free email reflections sent every day of the year featuringRohr and guest authors reflecting on a yearly theme.

Daily Grace
Daily Grace is an on-the-go companion for your journey, offering a faith reflection every day. Encounter God’s extravagant, boundless and often surprising grace.